Audio Conference on
Telephonic Health Coaching: How It Can Improve Your Population Health Management Programs

Wednesday, April 5, 2006
1:30-3:00 p.m. (Eastern)

Contact: Melanie Matthews
Phone: 888-446-3530 phone

MANASQUAN NJ USA -- HEALTHCARE UPDATE NEWS SERVICE(TM) -- MARCH 20, 2006: Health coaching programs can help individuals in need of care management services take a more active and effective role in the management of their own healthcare. Telephonic health coaching services, while unique in its challenges, provides a convenient way to offer accessible health coaching services.

Telephonic Health Coaching: How It Can Improve Your Population Health Management Programs, an April 5, 2006 audio conference, will take an in-depth look at telephonic health coaching programs, from program structure to call strategies to outcomes measurement and results.

For more information, please visit:

Please reference the following customer code when ordering: THCPG.

During this 90-minute audio conference, your expert panel of speakers, Colleen Perkins, health strategies consultant with Mayo Clinic Health Management Resources and Dr. Ron Loeppke, chief strategic officer with Matria Healthcare will provide inside details on the telephonic health coaching programs at their organizations.

Can't make the scheduled date and time of the conference? See the "On-Demand" or CD-ROM options described below.

You can "attend" this program right in your office and enjoy significant savings - no travel time or hassle; no hotel expenses. It's so convenient! Invite your staff members to participate.

Your registration fee covers one telephone line from your site. Include as many individuals from your organization as you wish - there is no additional charge. Gather in a conference room and use a speakerphone.

Train your entire department for one low price!


CEOs, medical directors, disease management directors, managers and coordinators, health coaches, health plan executives, care management nurses, wellness professionals, quality improvement professionals, business development and strategic planning directors.


Program materials, the call access number and PDF links for the presentation files will be provided approximately one week before the program date via e-mail.


Participation in the call is just $247 per site and allows access to ONE phone line for an unlimited number of listeners at the site. We offer attractive discounts for organizations calling in from more than one location. Call (888) 446-3530 for more information.

Mark your calendar now and take a moment to register either online at the program Web site: Or, call (888) 446-3530.


The conference lasts approximately 90 minutes with the last 30 minutes devoted to your questions.

No special equipment is needed; a toll-free number will be provided.

A week before the conference, you will receive instructions via e-mail on how to dial into the conference and links to download the speakers' presentations. So be sure to include your e-mail address.


You are invited to submit your questions in advance of the program to ensure that your questions are answered. Please e-mail your questions to no later than noon on March 31, 2006. We will attempt to answer your questions during the audio conference. However, time constraints limit the number of questions that can be answered during the live Q&A so be sure to get your questions in early.


Please reference this customer code when registering: THCPG

Registration Form
Telephonic Health Coaching: How It Can Improve Your Population Health Management Programs

Type of Organization:
Zip Code:

[ ] Yes! I need information on how telephonic health coaching services can be used to help individuals in need of care management services and improve my organizations population health management programs. Please register me for "Telephonic Health Coaching: How It Can Improve Your Population Health Management Programs," today for $247.

PRICING: Register Today and Receive the Early Bird Discount

Please reference the following customer code when ordering: THCPG

4 cost-effective registration options:

  1. [ ] $297 for the live audio conference, audio conference on CD-ROM, PLUS a printed transcript of the conference proceedings (CD-ROM and transcript is shipped approximately three weeks after the program.) ($347 after 3/31/0)

  2. [ ] $257 for the recorded audio conference and presentation materials on CD-ROM includes printed transcript, if you cannot participate in the live program. (Shipped approximately three weeks after the program.)

  3. [ ] $247 for the On-Demand service, which provides you the opportunity to listen in at your leisure via your computer and a web browser (includes the agenda and presentation materials -- available 4/7/06)

  4. [ ] $247 per dial-in telephone line per site to participate in the live program and receive the presentation materials. No limit in the number of participants per site) ($297 after 3/31/06)
[ ] Other non-US countries based on phone charges

[ ] Check Enclosed

Charge my credit card.
[ ] AMEX [ ] MasterCard [ ] VISA
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Name on Card:
AMEX: Four-digit security code on front of card:
Visa/MC: Three-digit security code on the signature panel:

Please reference this customer code when registering: THCPG

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View this week's edition at:

Cancellation Policy: To receive a refund, notice is required at least seven business days prior to the audio conference. With proper notice, fees are refunded minus a $40 service fee. No refunds are given for cancellations received with less than seven days notice. The Healthcare Intelligence Network reserves the right to cancel or reschedule an audio conference due to unforeseen circumstances.